As part of Council's 2023-2026 Corporate Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Housing Options is a Key Pillar. Council has determined that encouraging the creation of affordable housing requires a more participatory role by the Town. There is no single planning tool, municipal investment project or Council decision that by itself will result in the elimination of the wait for affordable housing in Fort Erie. It requires an array of tools and programs that provide enough incentive for developers to create more affordable units.

The Goals for the Affordable Housing Community Improvement Plan (AHCIP) are to:

  • Reduce financial barriers to developing affordable housing units;
  • Promote and encourage the creation of affordable units;
  • Support the policies of the Town’s Official Plan, the Region of Niagara Official Plan, and Provincial and Federal policies;
  • Support opportunities for residential infill and intensification;
  • Assist in the regeneration of aging neighbourhoods and underutilized lands;
  • Promote housing retention and promote aging in place;
  • Promote the creation of additional bachelor and one-bedroom rental units;
  • Supplement the work of the Region of Niagara as the upper tier housing provider; and
  • Encourage environmental, social and financial sustainability for the Town and its residents through strategic investments in affordable housing initiatives.

There are three incentive programs proposed which will offer funding up to $20,000 to eligibile properties/projects. A summary can be found below (for detailed requirements please review the draft AHCIP in the documents sections to the right)

Affordable Housing Per Door Grant (APD)

  • Provides financial help for creating new affordable rental or ownership housing units by giving a lump sum grant per unit/per project to cover costs.

Affordable Housing Study Grant (ASG)

  • Helps cover the cost of studies that explore the feasibility of including affordable housing in new developments or using cost-saving building materials.

Additional Dwelling Unit Grant (ADU)

  • Offers a one-time grant to help with the cost of adding an additional apartment unit to an existing home or within an existing or new detached accessory structure.