Update October 2022:

Project construction work has been deferred to Fall 2023 to address concerns raised during our public consultation.

Eagle Street Bridge (S026B) Rehabilitation

There are available detour routes so construction will proceed with Eagle Street closed for the duration of the project. The detour roads are Sider Road, College Road, and Winger Road.

Construction is expected to start [TBD]. The rehabilitation work will include installation of slope stability and railing improvement works at the east end of the structure.

Town Hall Pedestrian Bridge (S116B) Rehabilitation

Construction will proceed with the walkway closed for the duration of the project.

Construction is expected to start [TBD]. The rehabilitation work will include installation of erosion protection works at each end of the structure.

Black Creek Road Culvert (S112C) Replacement between River Trail and Niagara Parkway.

There are available detour routes so construction will proceed with Black Creek Road closed for the duration of the project. The detour roads are BakerRoad, Netherby Road and Niagara Parkway.

Construction is expected to start [TBD]. The new culvert will be a twin HDPE 1500mm diameter round culvert. Some tree removal is anticipated. Please scroll down to the virtual public information centre material for more details on structure S112C replacement.
