Public Meeting for Proposed Official Plan, Zoning By-Law and Site Plan Control By-Law Amendments

Date: Monday September 12, 2022

Time: 6 p.m.

Place: Council Chambers, Town of Fort Erie, 1 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie

The purpose of these amendments is to regulate commercial and medical cannabis growing operations in the Town of Fort Erie, and include:

  • Updated definitions for commercial and medical cannabis operations
  • Provisions that the use be permitted indoors only and emit no odour
  • Other setback and study requirements to regulate the use

To Participate:

Input on any proposed matter is welcome and encouraged. You can provide input by speaking at the statutory public meeting or by making a written submission to the Town. Please note, unless you do one of the above now, you may not be able to appeal the decision later.

Residents can participate in the Council meeting in person in Council Chambers, OR virtually via Zoom (audio/video via web or by telephone). To participate as a speaker at the Public Meeting using the Zoom platform, contact to receive information on how to join the meeting and where the link will be made available.

To provide input in writing, or to request notice of Council’s decision, please send a letter c/o Carol Schofield, Manager, Legislative Services/Clerk, 1 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie, ON, L2A 2S6 or an email to

To View:

The Town of Fort Erie Council meeting live webcast will be streamed here:

It can also be viewed via the YouTube icon on the home page of the Town’s website:

Relevant Documents:

Notice of Public Meeting— Cannabis Official Plan, Zoning By-law and Site Plan Control By-law Amendments

Cannabis Draft OPA - As Posted for Sept 12-2022 Public Meeting

Cannabis Draft SPC - As Posted for Sept 12-2022 Public Meeting

Cannabis Draft ZBA - As Posted for Sept 12-2022 Public Meeting

Background Information:

The Cannabis Act came into effect in October 2018, legalizing the production, sale and use of cannabis for recreational purposes in Canada. While the Town's Official Plan and Zoning By-law regulate the production of cannabis, these permissions are only in the context of marihuana for medical purposes permitted under the earlier Marihuana for Medicinal Purposes Regulations that were introduced in 2014. With the new legislation in effect, cannabis production is now permitted for commercial growth for both medicinal and recreational purposes and the Town's current policies need to be updated to regulate the full range of uses.

The main purpose of this study is to examine the opportunities for the Town to regulate activities permitted under the Cannabis Act, specifically the commercial growing and production of cannabis. The purpose is also to assess and recommend changes to the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law and other Town documents, as required, to regulate cannabis as a land use in the Town.


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