Climate Change Action Plan

The Town of Fort Erie has recently drafted a Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP). A Climate Change Action Plan is a strategic document that outlines specific actions and goals that a community will pursue to mitigate, reduce, and address the impacts of climate change. The CCAP will set out initiatives which will be divided into Adaptation and Mitigation goals in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

As part of the Climate Change Action Plan development process, the Town will be looking for public input and will be holding a public open house.

Public Consultation

An Open House will be held on March 27, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Fort Erie Town Hall in Council Chambers to provide the public with an overview of the drafted plan and an opportunity to provide feedback.

For more information please contact:

What is the Town of Fort Erie Doing?

Land use planning

  • The Town is updating its Official Plan and there will be a policy section dedicated to Climate Change.

Natural heritage and forestry

  • Implemented a Tree By-law to protect trees on private property and the canopy within the Urban Boundary.
  • Hosting a Free Tree Giveaway to be held in Spring 2025
  • Drafting of a Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) to identify and prioritize climate change actions

Infrastructure and asset mangement

  • Introducing electric vehicles into the Town's fleet and the future installation of electric vehicle charging stations
  • Integrationg climate change considerations for sustainable infrastructure through the Asset Management Plan (AMP) and inclusion of a Natural Asset Management Plan (Appendix A of the AMP)
  • Development of an Energy Conservation and Demand Mangement Plan to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

Emergency management programs and plans