In 2015, at the request of the Bridgeburg BIA, staff prepared a street furniture plan for Jarvis Street to provide some guidance relative to planned beautification initiatives. Since that time, the Bridgeburg BIA has undertaken a variety of improvements including the installation of benches, floral planters, bike racks and garbage receptacles. In addition, the Fort Erie Active Transportation Committee partnered with the Bridgeburg BIA, Fort Erie High School and Ridgeway Crystal Beach High School to design, manufacture and install six themed bike racks along Jarvis Street.
In early 2017, representatives from the Bridgeburg BIA met with staff to discuss more extensive improvements to the business district, similar in nature to those undertaken in downtown Ridgeway. Desired improvements included changes to parking, signage and gateway features; new lighting, paved surfaces, landscaping and crossings; and the burial of utilities and irrigation services.
Staff recommended the development of a conceptual streetscape plan to identify the design and location of various features, recommend materials and estimate the cost and potential phasing of improvements. With such a plan in place, the Bridgeburg BIA and Town would be in a better position to plan and budget for future infrastructure improvements and apply for infrastructure funding. As staff resources were not available to prepare the conceptual streetscape plan, professional consulting services were to be retained.
The Town of Fort Erie has engaged in a process to bring improvements to Bridgeburg, most notably on Jarvis Street. These improvements were requested by the Bridgeburg BIA and will result in a pedestrian-friendly neighbourhood with a reconstructed road and aesthetic enhancements. Also included are wayfinding elements, signature features and additional parking opportunities.
Many of these improvements were developed and defined in the Bridgeburg Business District Streetscape Plan completed by Quartek in June 2018. That report forms the basis for this project. This report is attached to this page as part of the June 18, 2018 “Bridgeburg BIA Streetscape Improvements” Report to Council.
The Bridgeburg BIA district is one of five core downtown areas within the Town of Fort Erie. Bridgeburg is home to over 100 businesses. The land uses are primarily commercial on the ground floor with residential apartments on the upper floors of some buildings. The commercial core transitions to residential development to the west. The current parking configuration has angled parking along the north side of Jarvis Street and parallel parking on the south side of the street.
UPDATE - June 7, 2023
Recently, the Town have received a number of requests to upgrade Services in order to accommodate potential development of property located within the project limit area. The Town has been working tirelessly to find a solution that allows for new requests to be accommodated before the final appurtenances are installed and asphalt surface course is applied.
The constructor responsible for the work site, Rankin Construction Inc., have provided a quotation for such proposed upgrades for which full details can be found in the Documents section, named 'June 7, 2023 - Jarvis Street Service Upgrades'. Applicants that would like to proceed with this option would need to provide the Town with a written request for a Service Upgrade no later than 4:30pm on June 23, 2023. Thereafter the Town will work with all interested parties to secure a formal agreement is in place, and collect payment, no later than June 30, 2023.
Potential applicants that have further questions, prior to June 22, 2023, may contact the Towns Engineering Department at (905) 871-1600 Extension 2404.
UPDATE - June 23, 2023, 4:30pm
The submission period, to request upgrades to Services inside the Jarvis Street Reconstruction and Streetscape Project Limits has now closed. The Town will work with those who have requested installs to secure a formal agreement in line with the quotation provided by Rankin Construction Inc.