The Lakeside Road Reconstruction project area is located along Lakeside Road from Phillips Street to Dominion Road. A risk analysis of this area was conducted through the Town's Asset Management Plan.
The results of the risk analysis showed that that this section of Lakeside Road (about 1045m) required the following work:
- Replacement of the existing 150 mm diameter cast iron watermain with 150 mm diameter PVC watermain, including replacement of all services up to/including curb stops,
- Improvement to the stormwater drainage works, including new storm sewer for semi-urban road cross section,
- Replacement of the existing 200 mm diameter AC sanitary sewer, including replacement/relining of laterals up to property limits,
- Full reconstruction of Lakeside Road from Phillips Street to Dominion Road with shoulders,
- New streetlights, as required,
- New sidewalk.
Please review the documents included on the right hand side of this page and complete the survey. We would like to hear your thoughts and concerns on this project prior to construction.