Bring your bathing suits and celebrate the grand opening of the Sugarbowl Park Spraypad on Wednesday, June 19th at 5:00 p.m.
Join us for a fun-filled family celebration with balloons, cupcakes, water, and juice boxes for the kids. This exciting Phase 1 renovation features a spacious spray pad, new washrooms, and updated site furniture. Don't miss the ribbon-cutting ceremony, attended by the Mayor, members of council, and town staff. The park is at 100 Gilmore Road, Fort Erie.
All are welcome; please come and celebrate with us!
What is happening at Lions Sugarbowl Park?
Lions Sugarbowl Park was constructed in 1995, and is one of the Town’s largest and most popular community parks. Located at 100 Gilmore Road adjacent to the Fort Erie Central Library, Central Fire Station, the Fort Erie Railway Museum and Fort Erie International Academy, this destination park includes an off-leash dog park; a playground that will be replaced in 2022; pathways, ponds and seating areas; and the Dreams to Memories memorial tree grove. Lions Sugarbowl Park is the site of numerous annual events and celebrations throughout the year.
Through the 2022 Capital Budget process, Council approved funding to replace the Kinsmen Pool with a free, accessible and inclusive destination splashpad, as well as construct an accessible public washroom.
The Town has retained the IBI Group to work with the Town and the community to explore design alternatives and develop a final plan for the Lions Sugarbowl Park splashpad and washroom.
At its meeting of August 8, 2022, Council approved the final design for the Lions Sugarbowl Park Splashpad. The design can be viewed in Report PDS-57-2022, attached under 'Documents'. Later this years a playground will be installed along with a large pavilion will be added to the park.