Official Plan Review Public Open House
The Town of Fort Erie is hosting a Public Open House to provide our community with the opportunity to review and learn more about the draft updated Official Plan. The Town’s updated Official Plan considers the feedback received from the community.
Where? Fort Erie Town Hall, 1 Municipal Centre Drive
When? February 20, 2025, from 5:00pm – 7:00pm
What? An introductory presentation will be delivered providing an update on the Project, followed by a drop-in style event with opportunities to discuss the draft policies in the updated Official Plan with members of the Project Team. As this is an in-person drop-in event, no registration is required to participate.
The Draft Official Plan Schedules are located under the "Documents" section of the Lets Talk Page.
Completion of Phase 1!
On Monday May 13th, WSP and Town staff will be presenting the Background Report, Growth Management - Housing Needs Assessment, and Phase 1 Engagement Summary to Council, which will conclude Phase 1 of the Official Plan Review. A copy of the presentation and material can be viewed here: (May 13, 2024 Council Agenda). Phase 2, which involves developing draft policies and schedules will commence, after the completion of Phase 1. Stay tuned for upcoming public engagement opportunities, to have your say in future of Fort Erie!
The Town of Fort Erie is reviewing and updating its Official Plan. An Official Plan is a strategic land use planning policy document that addresses a range of topics, including housing, employment, agriculture, natural heritage, and economic development, among others.
The Official Plan Review process will occur in four phases and will include multiple opportunities for the community to participate throughout the Official Plan Review.
Phase 1: Background Research and Reporting
Phase 1 involves learning about the existing conditions within the Town, assessing policies of the current official plan, analyzing gaps and opportunities, identifying a vision and guiding principles, and understanding demographics, growth forecasts, and land supply. This phase will include initial community engagement efforts including an in-person Visioning Workshop and a Visioning Survey. Concurrently with the consultation, a Draft Background Research Report will be developed that identifies potential policy updates based on the background work.
Phase 2: Draft Official Plan Development
Phase 2 will focus on delivering a Draft Official Plan and Schedules that is responsive to the work undertaken in Phase 1, including the Background Research Report. This phase will involve an in-person Public Open House to present the Revised Draft Official Plan to the community for input and feedback.
Phase 3: Recommended Draft Official Plan & Adoption
Phase 3 will involve the preparation of the Draft Final Official Plan and Schedules and completion of the final steps towards adoption of the Official Plan. This phase includes a public open house, statutory public meetings, and consideration of the Official Plan for Council Adoption.
Phase 4: Approval Authority Process
Phase 4 is the final phase and will commence following Council adoption in Phase 3. It will involve submitting the adopted official plan to the Region and Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval.
Have Your Say!
We are seeking input on the Official Plan Review. There are many ways to participate and share feedback to help inform the updated Official Plan.
This webpage offers many different opportunities to provide feedback and input. It will be updated as the Official Plan Review evolves and as we learn more about the community's interests, so check-in often to share thoughts!
Community Focus Group
We want to thank everyone who expressed interest in participating in the Community Focus Group (CFG) for the Official Plan Review. At the April 9th, 2024 Council meeting, staff were directed to substitute the CFG, with an additional stakeholder session, and to include all of the individuals who applied to be part of the CFG, in order to facilitate a broader engagement process.
We will target hosting this stakeholder session in Spring 2024 and will be sure to keep all interested parties informed. Thank you again for your interest in shaping the future of Fort Erie.