The Ott Road and West Main Street Upgrade Project area is located in urban community of Stevensville section of Fort Erie. The project area is located along Ott Road from 30m North of the CN Railway tracks to West Main Street and West Main Street from Ott Road to May Avenue.
The timing of the project is driven by the Village Creek Estates development located south of West Main Street. A risk analysis of this area was also conducted through the Town's Asset Management Plan.
The results of the risk analysis recommended the replacement of approximately 300m of 150mm diameter cast iron watermain along Ott Road from North of the CN Railway Tracks to West Main Street.
The Ott Road and West Main Street upgrade was also identified in the 2018 Development Charges Background Study.
The general scope of work for this project includes full reconstruction and upgrade of the existing Ott Road and West Main Street roadway section to an urban cross-section including installation of storm sewer infrastructure, new sidewalks and concrete curb and gutter. In addition, replacement of the existing 150mm diameter cast iron watermain along Ott Road from North of the CN Railway Tracks to West Main Street.