The entire Town road network is inspected and rated every 2 years by Town Engineering staff or a pavement engineering consultant to provide updated Pavement Condition Index (PCI) information. Road sections are inspected and rated using a pavement evaluation system developed by the Ministry of Transportation and widely adopted at all levels of road management.
The updated pavement condition data is uploaded to a computerized road maintenance decision making program that evaluates each road section based on condition, traffic volume, road classification, road type and various community factors such as school zones, transit routes, and medical facility locations.
The decision-making program provides an initial list of candidate roads which are then "ground-truthed' by Town Engineering staff to confirm the acceptability of each road section for resurfacing. Town staff also ensure that the resurfacing list aligns with other capital works plans (watermain and sewer construction project) to ensure efficiencies and to avoid project overlap.
Annual Roads Repair Program
In order to maximize the dollars committed to the Roads Resurfacing program, Town Council approves the annual budget early in the year; thus, allowing for early tendering and favourable pricing.
Every year the Town solicits bids through quotations or tenders for the town-wide annual projects. All projects are awarded annually, some with the option to renew for a second year.
2023 Surface Treatment Program
The surface treatment program involves various road segments throughout the Town of Fort Erie. On roads where an existing surface treatment layer is present, the work generally consists of pulverizing the existing road surface, placement and compaction of granular material followed by the application of a double layer of surface treatment. Where applicable, granular material may be substituted with the placement and compaction of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) followed by the application of a single layer of surface treatment. Please be advised that the stone will appear loose for a period of approximately 4 to 6 weeks after placement. Due to the scope of the work involved, driveway accessibility may be affected during construction. Every effort will be made to give advance notice should this occur.
2023 Hot Mix Asphalt Program
The Hot Mix Asphalt program involves various road segments throughout the Town of Fort Erie. On roads where an existing hot mix asphalt surface is present, the work generally consists of pulverizing and or milling the existing road followed by the placement of one or two lifts of hot mix asphalt followed by granular shouldering and driveway adjustments where necessary. Due to the scope of the work involved, driveway accessibility may be affected during construction. Every effort will be made to give advance notice should this occur.
Please see link below for updates relating to the Road Resurfacing program of the various road segments throughout the Town of Fort Erie.