Province dismisses short-term rental appeal

On September 1, 2022, the Town of Fort Erie initiated a Short-Term Rental Land Use Study to develop and recommend a land use approach to directing and regulating short-term rentals within the Town’s boundaries. The work entailed in-depth research and public engagement, followed by the development of several options for consideration and, ultimately, a recommendation made to Town Council.

On January 29, 2024, Town Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 77 (By-law 02-2024) and Zoning By-law Amendment (By-law 01-2024), which amended the Town’s planning documents to establish policies and regulations for Short-Term Rentals (STRs) within the Town, which was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

On July 15, 2024, the Ontario Land Tribunal dismissed the appeal filed by a third-party neighbourhood group regarding the Town of Fort Erie’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to regulate Short Term Rentals within the Town.

The by-laws permit dedicated STRs in commercial zones where residential uses are permitted, as well as the ‘R2B’ zone within the Crystal Beach Neighbourhood and Waterfront Residential Zone west of Kraft Road to the western boundary of Lake Erie. Moreover, owner-occupied STRs are permitted within all residential zones, which allow both a principal dwelling unit and an accessory or secondary dwelling unit.

The Town also has a Short-Term Licensing By-Law that stipulates qualifications for a licence, how to apply for a licence and an annual licence limit of 250 in any given year. That limit has been reached for 2024. Town staff plans to provide a report in early fall this year for Council to consider modifications to that by-law to align with the zoning and Official Plan amendments.

Notice of Passing

On January 29th, 2024, Council approved By-law 02-2024 (Official Plan Amendment) and By-law 01-2024 (Zoning By-law Amendment) regarding regulating of Short Term Rentals within the Town of Fort Erie.

Notice of Passing By-law 02-2024 (STR OPA).pdf

By-law 2-2024 Official Plan Amendment STR.pdf

Notice of Passing By-law 01-2024 (STR ZBA).pdf

By-law 1-2024 Zoning Amendment STR.pdf

The last day to appeal the by-laws is February 21, 2024.

Recommendation Report

A final recommendation report has been prepared for Council consideration on December 18, 2023. This report can be found under 'Documents' on the right of this webpage. Please refer to the following website for further details regarding the meeting:

Statutory Public Meeting

A statutory public meeting has been scheduled for September 11, 2023, to consider a draft Official Plan Amendment and a draft Zoning Bylaw amendment regarding Short Term Rentals. A recording of the meeting can be found on the Town's YouTube page here:

Public Open House No.3 Recording

Thank you to everyone who attended the Public Open House on April 18, 2023 at 5:00 pm. Staff and the consultants appreciate your participation and contributions to the draft recommendation.

If you would like to view a recording of the Open House presentation and question period, it is available on the Town’s YouTube page here:

YouTube Livestream

If you would like to review the Open House PowerPoint slide deck or Presentation handout, they are available on the Documents section of this page, and here:

Presentation Slide Deck

Presentation Handout

In order to have your comments considered prior to the recommended approach being finalized, and to have them included in the staff's report to Council, please ensure they are submitted no later than 4:00 pm on April 25, 2023 to All comments received will be shared with the Consultant (WSP). Thank you!

Public Open House No.3

The Town of Fort Erie initiated a Short-Term Rental Land Use Study with the aim to develop and recommend a land use approach to directing and regulating short-term rentals within the Town’s boundaries.

An initial Public Open House was held on November 23, 2022 to gather public input and opinion as part of the background phase of study work. A second Open House on February 1, 2023 allowed for the consultant to present several policy and regulatory options being considered. Public commenting was received and considered together with all prior engagement and commenting, leading to a single draft recommendation.

This third and final study Public Open House will present the draft recommendation to public and allow for any final commenting before being presented to Council at a future meeting.

This meeting is being held in-person at Town Hall with opening remarks and a presentation starting at 5:00pm, with a question and answer period to follow.

The presentation and question-and-answer period will be broadcast live on the Town's YouTube channel. All meeting materials will be made available the following day here on the Let’s Talk Fort Erie Short-Term Rental Land Use Study page.

Meeting details:

Date: April 18, 2023

Time: 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Place: Town Hall, 1 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie

For more information, please see the Notice of Public Open House 3, linked here or in the Documents section of this page.

Public Open House No.2 Recording

Thank you to everyone who attended the Public Open House on February 1, 2023 at 6:00 pm. Staff and the consultants appreciate your participation and contributions to the options assessment and development of strategy recommendation.

If you would like to view a recording of the Open House presentation and question period, it is available on the Town’s YouTube page here:

YouTube Livestream

If you would like to review the Open House PowerPoint slide deck or Presentation Boards, they are available on the Documents section of this page, and here:

Presentation Slide Deck

Display Boards

If you have any comments, please provide them no later than February 10th. Thank you!

Public Open House No.2

The Town of Fort Erie initiated a Short-Term Rental Land Use Study with the aim to develop and recommend a land use approach to directing and regulating short-term rentals within the Town’s boundaries.

An initial Public Open House was held on November 23, 2022, to gather public input and opinion as part of the background phase of study work. This Public Open House will allow the consultant to present several policy and regulatory options being considered and allow for public comment on what may be an appropriate land use direction (where and how to regulate), leading to a single recommendation to Council.

This meeting is being held in-person at Town Hall and is scheduled from 6pm to 8pm.

The Town’s consultant (WSP Canada Inc) will give a presentation on the options for consideration starting at 6:30 pm, with a question-and-answer period that will follow.

The presentation and question-and-answer period will be broadcast live on the Town's YouTube channel.

All meeting materials will be made available the following day here on the Let’s Talk Fort Erie Short-Term Rental Land Use Study page.

Meeting details:

Date: February 1, 2023

Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Presentation starting at 6:30pm)

Place: Town Hall Atrium and Council Chambers, 1 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie

For more information, please see the Notice of Public Open House 2, linked here or in the Documents section of this page.

Public Open House Recording

We would like to give a big thank you to everyone who joined us for the virtual Public Open House on November 23, 2022 at 6:00 pm. Staff and the consultants appreciate your participation and contributions to this background work that will lead to options development and further public engagement.

If you would like to view a recording of the virtual Open House, it is available on the Town’s YouTube page. You can also view it here:

If you would like to review the virtual Open House PowerPoint slide deck, it is available on the Documents section of this page. You can also view it here:

If you have any additional comments and/or suggestions regarding a land use approach to short-term rentals in the Town of Fort Erie, please submit them no later than December 7, 2022. You may send them to Fahima Begum, Junior Community Planner, at

Public Open House

As part of the Short-Term Rental Land Use Study, community members are invited to a virtual Public Open House as the first of several opportunities to ask questions and express opinions on the short-term rental (STR) industry operations within the Town. Specifically, the Town is seeking public consultation and feedback on short-term rentals in the context of land use. In other words, where within the Town might STRs be appropriate to locate, should there be limits within certain areas or exclusion from other areas, or should the number of licences be limited, for example.

Date: November 23, 2022

Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Place: This will be a virtual meeting

We would like to hear from you. We welcome your attendance to take advantage of the opportunity to engage on this topic and have your voice heard with respect to any future land use regulations on short-term rentals.

Residents can participate in the virtual Public Open House in two different ways:

1. Send your comments via e-mail to Fahima Begum, Junior Community Planner (; or

2. Register and participate in the virtual meeting (audio/video via web or telephone) by sending an email to Fahima Begum, Junior Community Planner ( to receive information on joining the virtual meeting.

Registered attendees will be e-mailed a link to join the meeting closer to the meeting date. Thank you for your interest in this Town initiative.

For more information, please see the Notice of Public Open House, linked here or in the Documents section of this page.

Short-Term Rental Land Use Study

The Town of Fort Erie has retained WSP Canada Ltd. to conduct a land use study for Short Term Rentals (STR).

The work requested is for the purpose of developing and recommending a land use approach to directing and regulating STRs within the Town’s geography. The work will entail in-depth research and public engagement. Should the recommendation be accepted by Council, WSP will develop amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to complete its policy and regulation framework around the STR industry in the Town.

The workplan includes extensive engagement with several opportunities for the public to get involved. Engagement includes public open houses, several key stakeholder groups, a community focus group, open public commenting and survey opportunities through social media. Options will be developed for public consultation followed by recommendations from the WSP on an approach to update the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law.

If you are already on the Town’s mailing list for the STR study, you will continue to be informed via e-mail notices on key dates and releases of new information and meetings. If you wish to stay informed and have not already submitted your name, please add your e-mail contact in the box provided on the right side of this page and we will ensure you are sent notices for this project.

The targeted timeline for major milestones is as follows: