On Monday, June 20 2022 Councilors were presented with Infrastructure Services administrative report number IS-21-2022. The purpose of the report was to advise Council of the results of the Douglastown Third Access Pre-Design Review and, further, to request Council direction on submission of the Baker Road Widening Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for consideration in the 2023 Budget, in order to move forward with improving access to the Douglastown neighbourhood

What is happening in Douglastown?

The Douglastown neighbourhood is currently accessed by two roads, Baker Road and Black Creek Road. A portion of Black Creek Road is a given road with a substandard road allowance width that limits the Town’s ability to make improvements by widening the road cross section or adding sidewalks. Recent (2019) development related construction activity resulted in the closure of Baker Road for an extended period and this diverted all Douglastown traffic onto Black Creek Road.

Council directed staff to investigate options for a third access to Douglastown and Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions was retained to conduct the Douglastown Third Access Pre-Design Review; the proceeds of this Review were presented to Council.

Council meeting on this occasion was over 4 hours in length. The report in question was reviewed between 3:45:23 and 3:56:08 in the video.

What was the direction of Council?

Having reviewed all of the information, Council would like to invite residents and stakeholders in and around the Douglastown neighbourhood to provide their local advice and feedback surrounding the proposal to create a third point of access to this community.

All of the reports and associated materials can be found on this page. Having familiarized yourselves with the information available, Council and staff would very much like to hear from you using the survey tool below.

The Town will also be conducting a Public Meeting, including a presentation by our retained Consultant, on Monday, July 18 2022 at 6pm in Council Chambers, Town Hall. All residents are welcome to attend.

Please share your feedback by taking this short survey. The survey will be available until July 11th, 2022.


Survey: Third Access to Douglastown

The Survey has now concluded.