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Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy

The Town of Fort Erie has updated its Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy to align with best practices, considering local context and available resources. The policy also includes a warrant process and a traffic calming toolkit of strategies, measures, designs, engagement, and public education. The updated policy was adopted by Council at the April 17, 2023 Council meeting with by-law number 74-2023.

The Policy provides a transparent and standardized process for addressing resident concerns about vehicle speeds and/or traffic volumes on neighbourhood streets. It guides Town staff and the Town’s Traffic Coordinating Committee in identifying and prioritizing eligible locations for traffic calming measures on Town streets. These measures can include both physical and non-physical interventions. Physical measures may involve the installation of speed humps, traffic circles, or road narrowing, among others, to slow down traffic and improve safety. In cases where a location is deemed ineligible for physical measures, non-physical approaches are considered. These can include educational campaigns, increased enforcement, and community engagement efforts to promote safe driving behavior and raise awareness about traffic issues The aim is to improve safety for all road users, reduce aggressive driving behavior, and improve livability and “quality of life” in local neighborhoods.

The preferred method to report and track traffic complaints is to email:

Submit a Traffic Calming Request

Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Status Map

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Phone 905.871.1600