Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy Update

The Town of Fort Erie is updating its Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy to align with best practices, considering local context and available resources. The update also includes the development of a warrant process and a traffic calming toolkit of strategies, measures, designs, engagement, and public education.

The updated policy will set a transparent and standardized process for addressing resident concerns about vehicle speeds and/or traffic volumes on neighbourhood streets. It will guide Town staff and the Town’s Traffic Coordinating Committee to identify and prioritize eligible locations for traffic calming and apply traffic calming measures on Town streets. The aim is to improve safety for all road users, reduce aggressive driving behaviour, and improve liveability and “quality of life” in local neighbourhoods.

The updated policy was presented to Council at the June 20 Council-in-Committee meeting along with Administrative Report number IS-19-2022.

The Town is hosting a second Online Public Information Centre to obtain your input on the proposed NEW Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy and Traffic Calming Toolkit resulting from the update. Please review the presentation below that provides an overview of the proposed policy and toolkit.

Please share your feedback by taking this short survey. The survey will be available until July 11th, 2022.

The Survey: Neighbourhood Traffic Management Policy has now concluded