
2023 Traffic Calming Studies Background

20 March 2024

The Traffic Coordinating Committee received numerous requests regarding Traffic Calming from various parts of the town. In response, the Town of Fort Erie undertook an update to its Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy to ensure alignment with best practices while considering local context and available resources. This update included the development of a warrant process and a comprehensive traffic calming toolkit comprising strategies, measures, designs, engagement approaches, and public education initiatives. The Neighbourhood Traffic Calming policy was formally presented to the Council during the June 20 Council-in-Committee meeting, along with Administrative Report number IS-19-2022.

Following this established process, the project team is conducting assessments of current conditions and developing proposed traffic calming plans for each location to address neighbourhood traffic concerns. Public input is being actively solicited to inform the plans recommended to both the Traffic Coordinating Committee and the Council upon project completion.

In December 2023, Engineering staff presented to the Traffic Coordinating Committee to initiate the study and plan development for prioritized locations. Traffic calming priorities, including Concession Rd scoring 67 and Washington scoring 66 based on technical screening and analysis, were presented on May 31, 2023. Further data collection in 2023 revealed Farr Ave scoring 80.

A consultant was subsequently retained for plan development, marking Step 4 in the traffic calming policy, with various stakeholder inputs being integral to the process. Moving forward, the next steps involve hosting a Public Information Centre, which will be held online on Let's Talk Fort Erie. Surveys will also be made available during the Public Information Centre.