What is Traffic Calming?

    Traffic calming is a set of measures used to “calm” traffic. The goal is to create safer streets for all users. This includes pedestrians, people who use mobility devices, cyclists and motorists. Used effectively, traffic calming measures can reduce speeds, limit cut-through traffic, and discourage poor driving habits, such as distracted or aggressive driving.

    What is the Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy (NTCP)?

    The NTCP lays out the Town’s process to initiate, review, and install traffic calming measures on Fort Erie’s roads in an equitable and consistent manner. The policy describes the steps for developing a neighbourhood traffic calming plan, which include community engagement, technical analysis, plan development, and implementation and monitoring. It also provides a list of the traffic calming and traffic management measures used in these studies. This study is reviewing this policy in depth to identify areas requiring update and renewal.

    What is a Traffic Calming Toolkit?

    A Traffic Calming Toolkit is a menu of potential solutions that might be considered to address traffic concerns on a specific street. The Toolkit is developed with the local context in mind. Toolkits typically provide guidance on the following:

    • Appropriate traffic calming measures
    • Locations and types of streets that do and do not qualify for traffic calming
    • Timing for requests for installation of a traffic calming measure
    • Timing for removal of a traffic calming measure 

    Who can I contact if I have questions?

    Questions should be directed to Robert Judd, Municipal Engineer – Infrastructure Renewal. Robert can be reached at 905-871-1600, ext. 2412 or by emailing rjudd@forterie.ca

    How do I request traffic calming?

    You can Submit a Traffic Calming request by selecting the words "Submit a Traffic Calming Request" available on the Lets Talk Fort Erie website; letstalk.forterie.ca/traffic-calming

    Is there already a traffic calming request on my road?

    The Town will make available a live map, to show which areas we have received requests for Traffic Calming. This will be available at the bottom of the Lets Talk Fort Erie website for Traffic Calming; letstalk.forterie.ca/traffic-calming