1. EA Planning & Design Process

    What does the Environmental Assessment (EA) Study consider?

    The EA considers the broad definition of the environment including impacts to the social, cultural, economic, and natural environments. The Winger Road Bridge Improvements Class EA Study is being undertaken to evaluate options to address the structural deficiencies and deteriorating condition of the Winger Road Bridge. 

    In identifying the Winger Road Bridge improvements, the study is considering technical (roadway operations and structural requirements); as well as socio-economic; cultural heritage, and natural environment factors.  

    What is a Schedule C Project?

    Under the Municipal Class EA Planning & Design process, Schedule C projects involve the construction of new facilities and major expansions to existing facilities. These projects must go through the entire EA planning process (Phases 1-4).

    How will my comments be incorporated into the study?

    Comments received throughout the study will be reviewed for consideration in developing the preferred design for the bridge and approaches.

    Is the design already completed?

    No. The preliminary design will be developed following the following review of the comments submitted and will be presented for comment at a later date.

    How can I continue to be involved in the study?

    Join the study mailing list, contact a member of the project team, and/or complete a comment sheet.

    When are the bridge repairs anticipated to commence?

    The implementation of the study recommendations are tentatively planned for 2022, subject to Town Council approval and potential utility relocations.

    What happens following the EA Study?

    Following completion of the Class EA Study, and provided no Part II Order requests are received (bumping the project to a higher level of study or requiring additional conditions from the Ministry) the project will proceed to Phase 5 ~ Preparation of Detailed Design drawings and Construction

    What are my options if I don't agree with the Town's recommendations?

    Anyone with concerns related to any aspect of the study may express such concerns in writing to the Project Manager at the Town of Fort Erie within the 30-calendar day review period following the Notice of Study Completion. In addition, a request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e. requiring an individual/comprehensive EA approval before being able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g. require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights

    What is the cost of the recommended solution?

    The cost to implement the preferred solution presented today will be determined in Phase 3 of the EA, once a recommended design to implement the preferred solution has been developed. A preliminary cost will be presented

2. Transportation and Property Impacts

    Will my property be impacted?

    Attempts will be made to mitigate impacts to adjacent properties during the development of the preferred design. Where impacts are unavoidable, the property owner would be compensated by the Town. Any lands disturbed during construction would be repaired to their existing condition.

    How will construction impact my commute/access to my home/business?

    During construction, the bridge may be temporarily closed, as determined by the recommended design developed in Phase 3 of the EA. Efforts will be made to maintain bridge access and to reduce the length of any closures. Appropriate road closure warnings and detour routes will be developed during detailed design, as required.

    Will the bridge remain as 1-way operation?

    Options for replacing the bridge including widening to 2-lanes will be evaluated during Phase 3 of the study.

3. Natural and Social Environmental Impacts

    What will be done to protect natural woodlots and local wildlife and habitat adjacent to the corridor (e.g. wetland associated with the Black Creek), including Species at Risk?

    The recommended alignment is anticipated to be maintained to the existing road right-of -way, and therefore is not anticipated to significantly impact the adjacent natural area. Additional mitigation measures to protect the significant environmental features during construction will be developed further in Phase 3 such as limiting vegetation clearing during the breeding bird timing window, developing erosion and sediment controls, and a replanting plan to mitigate the loss of any cleared vegetation.

    Will the reconstruction works impact archaeological resources?

    A Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment will be conducted in any undisturbed areas prior to any proposed construction to ensure archaeological resources are protected.

    Will cultural heritage resources be impacted?

    The Winger Road Bridge does not retain cultural heritage value as determined by the Cultural Heritage Assessment, therefore there will be negative impacts to any structures or landscape features of significant cultural heritage value.